As I'm sure you're aware, if you've been reading this blog or have looked at my Instagram or have talked to me since May, one of my best friends got married in October. I've been to a lot of weddings and I can honestly say I have never been to a wedding that filled me with so much joy and love as this one. Just look at these two! The love they have for each other radiates out of them and bounces off of everyone around. I swear, the room gets brighter when they walk in. They're so special to me, and I was honored to be a part of their celebration.
Mandy and I headed to Chicago a few days before the wedding, so we had a day of just exploring Chicago before it was time to head to Grand Rapids for the main wedding festivities. We wandered over to the most magical children's park I've ever been in, said hi to the Bean, and enjoyed walking around in weather that actually resembled fall.
Once we arrived in Grand Rapids we had Anja's bachelorette party, in which dueling pianos played a cover of the remix to Ignition for her and we eventually met up with the groomsmen despite actively trying to avoid them (Grand Rapids is pretty small). Easily the best bachelorette party that's ever happened in the history of the world. Hands down.
See? Proof.
The next day we got our nails done as the last bit of pre-wedding prep, went to an apple orchard, and had the rehearsal dinner.
And then it was the big day! So many tears were shed, it would have been impossible not to because there was
so much love in that room. I'm also happy to report that my photobooth props photographed well, because I'm not going to lie I was quite stressed about that.
Then it was time to come back to LA! I already have big things planned for Chicago, how could I not when these guys live there?
Also, if you were wondering, yes I did carry my bouquet halfway across the country so I could put it on my shelf in the glass I got at
Three Dots and A Dash. I regret nothing.