Burgerama was last month! I was pumped because Isabel and I had talked about going to Beach Goth Fest and it just didn't happen, so we made sure we bought tickets in time for Burgerama, especially when we saw FIDLAR was playing. I've been on a huge FIDLAR kick lately, so it was nice timing. I normally end up on these kicks after I've seen someone live or when the band isn't touring anymore, and it's always nice to see a band you're currently obsessed with.
My pictures from Day 1 are not that great because we had the best possible outdoor spot, which admittedly was still not an amazing vantage point for pictures. But anytime my 5'0 self can see clearly it's a success even if the pics don't come out amazing. The Day 1 highlights were FIDLAR and Weezer for me, the energy in the crowd for FIDLAR was amazing and they had giant cardboard versions of themselves on stage which looked incredible. I probably never would have seen Weezer in any other place but I'm so glad that I did, their set was so fun it made me forget I had been standing in the same spot for hours. (I'm getting old you guys.)
Day 2 was a lot slower, we were pretty tired from the day before and I wasn't super into anyone we saw until we went inside and saw Tennis. I've been listening to Tennis nonstop now, I highly recommend checking them out if you haven't yet. After Tennis, Nick Waterhouse blew our minds with his set and at that point we were wiped out and ready to leave. We stayed for a little bit of Ty Segall's set and then hit up In-n-Out, because what Burgerama would be complete without that?
Now who's ready for the FYF line-up to be announced??

The best shot I got of FIDLAR's set



Nick Waterhouse
