First Fridays at the Natural History Museum

Caught Quinn bein' cute

All the way from England, my favorite Lush scent in a shower gel

My press pass!

The film fest

LA Beer Week kickoff

Sundae from the best ice cream truck in LA

Isabel's art show!

Ok so I know I said May was a whirlwind, but June was crazy. I thought the highlight of the month was going to be the LA Film Fest, but days before the fest started I got a new job! So I had not only the film fest, but my last days at Lush and I started a whole new job in a totally different field, which partially explains why I haven't been as present here as I would like. July, I'm ready for you.
Where DID June go? I was supposed to do some engagement photos for friends before it got too hot, but time slipped away from us. Yikes!