Another thing about Portland, the sidewalks were amazing. When I got home I realized half my pictures were of the sidewalk, but they were just so beautiful! I think part of my fascination was the result of being in LA for too long, where it doesn't rain so no wildflowers grow, and everyone is preoccupied with having a picture perfect lawn so the foliage is very neat and controlled. Even if people do have gardens, they're in the backyard where no prying eyes can see them. Portland is the opposite. The yards and sidewalks are full and bursting with life and I absolutely adored it. We walked by a house that had pumpkins growing on the sidewalk. The sidewalk! Not the front lawn, the patch of dirt next to the street. In all seriousness, the kind of place where you can grow gourds on the sidewalk in front of your house is the kind of place I want to live. The level of neighborhood trust such an act implies overwhelms me; especially since that was not the only instance we saw of edible things growing right out of the sidewalk.
Honestly, more than anything I think it was the sidewalks that made me fall in love with Portland. Where else can you find a lending library on the sidewalk of a residential street? Or GOURDS growing on the sidewalk?

Utter magic.
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