Friday, May 24, 2013

I graduated!

Did I forget to mention that I graduated?? 
Well I did. 


My last few weeks at Mills were a blur of finals-induced craziness and moving-induced stress. Though compared to other semesters I had probably the easiest finals I'd ever had, when combined with moving out of an apartment as well as knowing I'd be leaving Mills forever and Oakland for awhile, it ended up being very stressful and I am a little surprised that I made it out in once piece. 

My mom had to force convince me to participate in Commencement but in the end I'm really glad she did. Even though graduations are long and boring and the speeches all sound the same, it's much more exciting when you're the one graduating. When I picked up my walking card I saw that I was graduating with honors, which made me feel great. Also, Lena was able to come up to see the ceremony! So all in all it was a lovely day and I was one happy graduate. 

Then the next morning we all got up at the crack of dawn to drive back to LA. Now I'm readjusting to life in So-Cal, unpacking, and frantically applying for jobs. I promise to (try) to post more regularly now! I have a room tour on the way as soon as I get the last box out of here. 


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