Yesterday was my birthday! As you can see from the picture I snapped with my phone, it was a beautiful day. It was actually the first time since I turned 17 that I had to go to school on my birthday. I went to Coachella on my 18th birthday, my 19th and 20th were on a Saturday and Sunday respectively, and last year I turned 21 in Amsterdam. (Which you can read about here)
Wednesdays are my busiest days, it's pretty much non-stop from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm, but I had a lovely day. One of my coworkers surprised me with some candy and a rice krispie treat, JT embroidered me a beautiful quote, and Estrella painted me the amazing watercolor painting that is now my header! After class/work Ali, Estrella and I walked to get Thai food at this place we just discovered three blocks away from campus, which was delicious. It was also my first time in long time that I didn't have a social media site reminding everyone it was my birthday, which made the calls & texts I did get that much more special. All in all I had a great day, and I'm continually thankful for the love I'm surrounded by.
And now the countdown begins! Today is officially one month to graduation!
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