I thought I'd talk a bit about music, since I haven't really done that on this blog yet. I love music, but I have a tendency to stick with what I know. Mostly what happens is that I find various tracks from artists that I like and I play those on repeat for forever, or I buy an album that I fall in love with and play on repeat for forever. You see the pattern here. I also have a tendency to buy/receive cds and then not listen to them for years, and a prime example of that would be Bright Eyes.
In like 2005/2006 when everyone I knew was going crazy over Conor Oberst, my friend gave me a cd with the Bright Eyes discography on it and I NEVER LISTENED TO IT. It wasn't until much later, like 2009 that I actually started listening to some songs when they'd show up on shuffle and I didn't actually sit down and listen to the entire thing until around 2010.
I don't know if this will really make sense, but I don't think I was ready for Bright Eyes when I was fourteen. Songs that I skipped over then are now some of my all-time favorite songs, and I'm able to appreciate the lyrics and the raw emotion so much more now. So even though sometimes I want to punch my past self in the face for missing out on this, I guess it's better late then never right?
If you haven't heard anything by Bright Eyes before, my favorite albums are "LIFTED or the Story is in the Soil, Keep Your Ears to the Ground" and "I'm Wide Awake It's Morning". If you happen to check them out, or have heard them already let me know what you think!
And let me know what other music I've been missing out on.